Cultural association of international solidarity and development assistance


F T M action aims at :

–Spreading, promoting and assisting artistic and cultural creation of the mediterranean countries and their immigrations.

–Creating and organising North/South exchanges and meetings between generations, world of work and culture, researchers and participants;
contribute to the social link and education for peace.

–Developing solidarity actions in particular towards children, youth and women of the Mediterranean.

The TransMediterranean Festival started in 1988 in Grasse, Alpes- Maritimes (France).

It is a tool for peace, solidarity and citizenship in the Mediterranean.

The F T M association carries out, on regional, national and international levels, a series of actions and cultural manifestations meant to improve the dialogues between the two shores and within the societies.

The F T M association works so that the cultures, history and actualities of the mediterranean people become known and to reduce racism, xenophobia, exclusions, violence, fundamentalism and mafia’s..
It also initiates the debate of ideas on vast topical questions and on the society.

Therefore the FTM has received in particular : Pascal Acot, Onay Akbas, Akila Al Ashimi, Jorge Amado, Yamina Bachir Chouikh, Paul Balta, Soheib Bencheikh, Jacques Berque, Mahi Binebine, Rachid Boudjedra, Juan Calatrava, Antoine Casanova, Giancarlo Caselli, Philippe Caubère, Edmonde Charles-Roux, Kemal Cengizkan, Jacques Chibois, Mgr Pierre Claverie, Nando Dalla Chiesa, Lourenço De Faria, Mehves Demiren, Fellag, Ferrandez, Francesco Forgione, Eduardo Gageiro, Mgr Gaillot, Miguel Galanda, Dora Günel, Nedim Gürsel, Ilan Halevi, Roger Hanin, Jean-Claude Izzo, Idir, Albert Jacquard, Michel Jobert, Amnon Kapeliouk,Günseli Kaya, Ali Kazancigil, Abdelatif Laabi, Yves Lacoste, Jean de Maillard, Cheb Mami, Hassan Massoudy, Predrag Matvejevitc, Najat M'Jid, Danielle Mitterrand, Kendal Nezan, Léoluca Orlando, Gal Matti Peled, Gilles Perrault, Jean Jacques Pérennes, Tortell Poltrona, Jean Ristat, Zazi Sadou, Michel Sakka, Elias Sanbar, Abraham Serfaty,Giuliana Sgrena, Leïla Shahid, Mgr Henri Teissier, Michel Warchawsky, Margarita Zapata, Toufik Zayyad…

Apart from the proximity actions the FTM initiates and organises meetings and international symposiums and publishes :

« Mediterranean, crossroad to Peace » (1994)

« Mediterranean, crossroad to Solidarity’s » (1996)

« 400th anniversary of the Edict of Nantes » (1998)

« Meetings for peace. Education, women and secularity » (1998)

« 5th conference of the ONG for solidarity and cooperation in the Mediterranean » (1999)

« Family structures, life cycles and subjectivity in the family in Europe and the Mediterranean » (1999)

« Children and Violence in the Mediterranean » (Tangiers - Morocco 2001)

« Centenary of the 1901 law: Associations of the Mediterranean, Citizenship, Solidarity Freedom » (2001)

« Women and power in the Mediterranean » (2002)

« International conference on the lifting of the embargo in Iraq » (2002)

« Mediterranean forum on energy » (2003)

« From mafia to mafia’s » (2004)

The F T M also organises since 2000 Mediterranean Meetings on Tourism, an annual meeting of professionals, researchers and associations on civic tourism from which the actions place in Mai 2004 with as them « Tourism, architecture and cities of the Mediterranean ».

The F T M is also : a paid team and volunteers with relays in countries, cities, communities, organisations partners.

The Partners :

Regional Council
County Council
FASILD (social action found for the integration and against the discriminations)
CCAS- Central fund of social activities of electrician and gas fitters - production committees Associations and ONG
Public and private foundations, institutions and organisations

The Team :

President : Paul EUZIERE
Official representative : Latifa MADANI
Organisation, Management, Administration : Marie Chantal GUZMAN
Communication, Public relations : Damien VOARINO